Verification Router Service (VRS)

The DSCSA requires that all trading partners have a secure, electronic, and interoperable system in place for verifying prescription medicines. With 2-3% of all drug packages are reintroduced up into the supply chain and will be subject to a saleable return verification, the Verification Router Service (VRS) makes it possible to verify packages quickly and in a readily auditable way.

What is the VRS? #

The Verification Router Service (VRS) is an interconnected network of vendor systems designed to automate verification requests and responses. It consists of four major components:

  • A requestor service that takes scan or inventory data from a wholesaler or pharmacist and prepares a request.
  • A lookup directory that acts as a “phone book” for the requestor service to identify where the request should go.
  • A responder service that checks the request against the manufacturer or repackager’s serialization database and provides a response.
  • A digital wallet to both share your Authorized Trading Partner (ATP) status and confirm the counterparty’s ATP status.

Using a lookup directory, each solution provider on the network can send verification requests to the appropriate endpoints, so that the receiving system can provide an automated response. For each component, there are a number of solution providers that host and operate the service. These are all able to talk with each other, thanks in large part to GS1 and the Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA).

Credentialing on the VRS #

Under the DSCSA, manufacturers and repackagers on the VRS are only required to respond to requests from Authorized Trading Partners (ATPs). Typically, messages over the VRS are unsigned. While GLNs (13-digit codes assigned by GS1) are used to identify parties over the network, these do not demonstrate ATP status and lack any signature protections.

To address this challenge, industry stakeholders like the Partnership for DSCSA Governance (PDG), HDA, GS1, and the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) have recognized OCI-compliant Authorized Trading Partner (ATP) credentials for Interoperability. Getting a credential is quick and easy, and a standard integration allows your VRS provider to access your wallet for signing and checking operations.